1Assembly (continued) BMSA6B Shed Storage KitASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS BMSA6B Trousse de rangement pour remiseINSTRUCTIONS D’ASSEMBLAGE Equipo para almac
10Assembly (cont.) / Assemblage (suite) / Armado (continuación)Insert top of double hook (B) between the two top wires of slatwall bracket (D). Swing
3 CAUTION •Maximumweightlimit25lbs.perhook,25lbs.forbasket.Maximumweightlimitforstoragekitis100lbs,evenlydistributedacrossu
4 ATTENTION •Lepoidsmaximumpourchaquecrochetetpourlepanieretde11,36kg(25lb).Lepoidsmaximumpourlatroussederangemententière
5 PRECAUCIÓN •Cadaganchopuedesoportarcomomáximo11,36kg(25libras)depesoylacesta,unmáximode11,36kg(25libras).Ellímitedepes
6 Tools Needed for Installation / Outilsnécessairespourl’installation/Herramientas necesarias para la instalaciónHardware / Quincaillerie / To
7 Assembly / Assemblage / Armado FrontAvantFrente1FrontAvantFrenteFrontAvantFrente231Choices for location of the shed storage kit vary depending on y
8Assembly (cont.) / Assemblage (suite) / Armado (continuación) For the purposes of instruction, this manual will install the shed storage kit in the B
9Assembly (cont.) / Assemblage (suite) / Armado (continuación)112EF1x14x14x2Attach vertical supports (E) with 14 screws (F). Make sure the center of e
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