© 2011 Suncast Corporation, Batavia, IL0361126ARBD939Raised Garden BedJardinière surélevéeCanteros elevadosOWNER’S MANUALMANUEL DE L’UTILISATEURMANUAL
1015. Re-check the level of the bed, add or subtract dirt as needed. CAUTION: When striking stakes with a rubber mallet, do not hit the panels. A
11With raised bed staked in place, add any planned soil amendments, such as peat moss, compost or lime, and mix thoroughly. Rake the soil evenly acros
12www.suncast.com24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.www.suncast.com24h/24, 7j/7, 365 jours par an.www.suncast.com24 horas al día, 7 días a
2PLANTING DEPTHS / PROFONDEUR DE PLANTATION / PROFUNDIDAD DE CULTIVOThe depth of the soil will depend on the type of flowers or vegetables you choose t
3LOCATION / EMPLACEMENT / UBICACIÓNChoose a sunny location that meets the requirements of the plants you intend to grow. Certain ornamental flowers and
4Site preparation. Suncast recommends placing your garden on the ground, not on a concrete pad or deck. This will allow plant roots to reach deep into
5ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS / INSTRUCTIONS D’ASSEMBLAGE / INSTRUCCIONES DE ARMADO3. Locate one 4' panel (A), position with dovetail at top. Push fir
6cross section view of panel connectionvue en coupe du raccordement des panneauxvista transversal de la conexión de paneles5. Locate one 4' pa
76. With raised corner cap at top, push one corner connector (C) into right side of 4' panel, as shown. Push firmly against corner connector to
89. Locate one 4' panel (A), position with dovetail at top. Snap onto right corner connector of 4' panel, as shown. Push firmly against co
911. Locate one 4' panel (A), position with dovetail at top. With raised corner cap at top, push one corner connector (C) into left side of pane
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